Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 10, 2019

Welcome to Thursday 13!

Thursday Thirteen's been around for many years, so long that its history is buried in the nebulae of the Internet. Is it the oldest meme? We don't know, but we like it!

The idea is simple: write about 13 things, join us, and if you want, visit other blogs and see what their Thursday 13s are about. No rules, no regulations, just fun. Maybe you'll learn something, maybe you won't, but you definitely should join us!

Link up after Today's Fact so we can find you and see your Thursday 13!
Today's Fact

On January 10, 1863, the world's first subway opened. The Metropolitan Railway opened in England with steam engines pulling wooden carriages lit by gas lamps. Later officially called the London Underground, its warren of tunnels was more popularly referred to as, simply, "The Tube."



  1. Oh, I love this! If you haven't read "Neverwhere," with its tales of London Below, it might appeal.

  2. I'm imagining how spooky, exciting, and dirty it must've been riding the tub back then.


Welcome to Thursday Thirteen, and thanks for playing!