Wednesday, February 8, 2017

February 9, 2017

Welcome to Thursday 13!

This is an easy meme - just make a list of 13 things on Thursdays! Topic is your choice.

Sign up after Today's Fact to join in. See you 'round the circle, mates!
Today's Fact

On February 9, 1950, the Red Scare began as Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy offered a speech to Congress warning of "enemies from within." He brandished a list of 205 "known communists" that he obtained from the State Department. The speech and subsequent investigations propelled McCarthy to infamy and ruined the lives and careers of many.

And here's Mr. Linky!


  1. very warm in Fl a rather easy winter??how about there blessings all

    1. High winds today! And cold. But it has been a mild winter so far here in VA.

  2. Discovered you have to think for a while before you can come up with an idea and 13 things.

    1. Yeah, sometimes it can be difficult. Today I had nothing until I ran across a list of renowned women on FB.

  3. I heard the east is just getting hammered. Central and Northern California got flooded.

    Well, here's to a Happy Thursday 13 anyway!


Welcome to Thursday Thirteen, and thanks for playing!